Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I began creating ATCs in 2009.  The book Artist Trading Card Workshop: Create, Collect, Swap by Bernie Berlin had been, and still is, a wonderful resource.  The book contains so many ideas, techniques, and is a wealth of inspiration.  I even used some of the ideas for greeting cards.  There is a local scrapbook store near me that hosts monthly ATC swaps where I had participated in swaps in the past.  Isn't that the whole idea behind ATCs?  Create the cards, swap with others (don't keep them!) and collect other participants' work?  I really want to return to swaping.  Here are a couple of favorites I have made. 

The image comes from a picture that was in the newspaper.  I lightened it with a watered down layer of white gesso then filled in with details!  It's a lot of work.  The wording is from an old book of short stories that I am altering.  When I tear pages out of the book, I save them for other projects.  It's funny how I am not sure what I want an ATC to say, but then I look through the extra pages and words just pop out at me.  Does this happen to anyone else?  This card is waiting to be swapped when I return to the group one day, hopefully soon.

Don't we all have a dorky class photo...or two?  Yes, admit it!  We all do!  I combined a photo from a newspaper with one from a magazine.   I printed the "Class Photo" wording out on tissue paper using the Courier font.  When I first designed this particular ATC, I found myself a little freaked out at the image (I wasn't planning it to resemble a class  photo), but I also laughed out loud.  Sure she is smiling, but she doesn't appear to be comfortable with herself, with the skin she is in, what traits she was given.  She seems a bit expectant and maybe anxious.  I no longer have this card, but whenever I look at this photo (I am so glad I have a photograph every card I have made), it makes me smile and laugh a little.  Oh, those awkward years... 

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