Friday, December 16, 2011

Temporary Hiatus

Sorry I haven't been on lately.  There has been a lot of things occupying my mind.  First of all, I had to put away my dollhouse supplies so I would have room for Christmas preparations.  Then this week I had to say goodbye to my cat Poppy.  I knew the day was coming, but I was taken by surprise.  I thought we would have a few more years together.  Life's existing stress and disappointment is now mixed with grief.  I don't know how I will get through the holidays  If you come across this blog, I don't want you to think that it is abandoned or that I lost interest in my project.  I hope to return sometime in early 2012 and, maybe, with a new muse in my life. 



  1. Oh you poor thing I have 2 cats and I totally get it! There is cat owners and then like us, cat lovers! It looks like you lost your other cat too!

    The holidays are hard anyway and to add that was to much. I always feel melancholy for a couple weeks after the holidays anyway. It does not help me that it gets dark so early. Glad I gave you a little laugh, hoping sunnier days are ahead for you!!


  2. Deborah,

    You asked about cleaning the old bottles, I know people at the antique mall use CLR a hard water build up cleaner. I leave them as is, except wiping out the dirt, because I think it adds to the aged look? Can't wait to see what you have been up to during your hiatus! EVeryone needs a break, I only blog twice a week, so it makes it completely manageable, I have no idea how people blog more often!

