Sunday, September 18, 2011

Haunted Dollhouse: A Dining Room Table & A Character

I am so happy I finished the table and even a person.  For assistance I viewed the tutorials at Artful Affirmations.  I didn't have any dark stain so I painted the balsa with raw umber craft paint.  The witch was found by doing a google image search for 'vintage halloween photos'.  Some of the returned results are a bit creepy...  I swear, a couple of them gave me a chill down my spine; yet, I do have plans for some of those as well.  I am working on the dining room chairs and the picture window.  Hope to have a new post soon.


  1. It took me a while to realise this was a piece for a dollshouse. Very good work! The witch goes really well with those colours :) x

  2. Thanks for the comment, Izzwizz. It never occured to me that viewers might not realize what I am doing unless they read my profile. I'll change my title postings so everything is more clear.
